
Imprint and disclosure

Media owner, producer and publisher or service provider:
Caritasverband der Erzdiözese Salzburg, Friedensstraße 7, 5020 Salzburg.

Basic direction:
As an aid organisation of the Catholic Church, Caritas Salzburg and all nine diocesan organisations are committed to helping those affected in a variety of ways. Regardless of their social, national or religious affiliation, Caritas Salzburg advises, accompanies and supports people in difficult life situations, with illness or disability, after accidents or disasters. From the wealth of experience of its daily work, Caritas also draws the mandate to publicly raise its voice for people on the margins of society.

Company name: Caritas Association of the Archdiocese of Salzburg
Director: Johannes Dines
Street: Friedensstraße 7
Postcode / City: A-5020 Salzburg
Phone: +43-5-1760-0

ZVR No. ZVR451872782
UID No. ATU39774605